Wednesday, April 15, 2009

From America's Dairyland!

Things have been going well here as our new addition has been welcomed by all. Tiara has been a true gem in accepting Kenshin as her little bro. She is very protective of him (throws fits when doctors or others try to hold him) and is constantly claiming him as "hers." We're surprised Kenshin has been able to even gasp for breaths of air in between all of her kisses. Kenshin is growing into quite the sumo. He is over 14 lbs and is wearing 6-9 mo onesies now. He is sleeping like a champ and is very liberal with his smiles!Spring is here and we're ready for the temp to break 50! (It's been a while) We've been doing some spring cleaning as well as some remodeling of the bedrooms. We'll post some before and after pictures when we get them loaded.Tiara has been talking up a storm. It is so nice to be able to communicate with her! Some fun things she says/does:Any sneeze, cough, throat clearing will earn a "bless you!" from her. It could be anyone too! She blesses people at church, stores, restaurants, and from the complete opposite side of the house as well.She now plays mommy with her baby doll, and does everything she sees mommy do to Kenshin..........everything.......Can almost do a somersaultShe can sing the ABC's (look for video post)She helps cook by tossing salads, mixing batter, taste testing etc.The list goes on and on. She makes our lives ..... adventurous!


Lori said...

darling, you guys!

Annette said...

I love you photo.