Subject: Kuv tau raug rov xa dua
Nyobitty zoo! (Pronounced the Mika way this time)
As you have deduced by your powerful reasoning skills, I have indeed been transferred back to a place with a Saturday preparation day. I now reside once more in my old training grounds, Frogtown! My companion is Elder Richard Vang (again). Since Elder Choua Vang just finished his mission, and the new Elder is a Lo, There is only one Elder Vang left. We all miss Elder Choua Vang; he is quite a character.
Halloween was really fun. On Wednesday I was still in La Crosse for our ward's Halloween party, then on Thursday we went to the Twin Cities 2nd branch Halloween party. On Halloween day we had weekly planning, so we didn't do very much proselyting, and we had to be inside by 6:00 pm. We all went to Little Ceasar's and each got our own large pizza (mine was the Three Meat Treat), and we had our own party sittin' around a campfire (candles), swappin' manly stories, and in the mornin' I was going to make waffles, but we don't have a waffle iron. We actually had a really good time though. Oh, I just realized that I said I was living in Frogtown, but that isn't specific enough because the Eastside team and the frogtown team live together in Frogtown. Frogtown is my area, so I'm on bike this winter too.
I did get that package, by the way. Thanks! The groovy pencil is tubular in a grand fashion. If you're thinking of Christmas, I could use some hand warmers for when it gets sub-zip. Also I deeply desire Josh Groben's Christmas album, "Noel". That man...good voice. We can only listen to Christmas music from November to the end of the year, so that's all I'm going to listen to. Also if there is a Mikey Bubbles (Michael Buble) Christmas album---that one too. Other than dunno. Oh, my favorite candies include Snickers, Take 5, Nutragious, Fastbreak, Peanut M&Ms, Junior Mints, and Butterfinger. I like pretty much all others too, but I'm getting a little burned out on Reeses cups.
Here in Frogtown "we" just had a baptism last week, and will confirm her this Sunday. She's a middle aged lady named Yee. About a year ago when I was serving here, I invited a girl named See to be baptized, and she accepted, but her parents wouldn't allow it because their son joined our church many years ago and went less-active and began to live a lazy life of sin. See eventually got permission by promising to go to church every week and to only marry a Mormon. Now See's sister, Pa, is about ready for baptism. We're shooting for maybe a week or two. By the way, that wayward son reactivated, and his wife is getting close to baptism. Hurrah for Israel!
Gotta go! Love ya!
-Elder Moua Ying
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