Subject: Huab cua no mentsis
Nyob zoo tsev neeg!
I appreciate the news about the sick cebu. Hang in there little guy!
La Crosse sure knows how to do October. Halloween is huge here, and most houses are decked out quite elaborately. The kids don't trick-or-treat at night though---they go in the afternoon. The weather is also in the holiday spirit with crisp air, brisk breezy nights, both wet and crunchy leaves, and occasional fog. It's windbreaker and stretchy gloves season indeed.
We mostly bike, but we share a car with the North Side Elders and we use it every so often to go see Hmong families that live out of our normal area yet are under our jurisdiction, or to visit referrals who live an hour away by car. We do not have a GPS, though that would be very handy for finding those referrals. Some of those streets are so remote that they don't have a map for that area. The Wibergs are a senior couple in our district. They have a GPS, and I showed them how to change it to an English accent. Theirs doesn't have an Australian option, unfortunately.
Richard B. is doing wonderfully, and his testimony is growing all the time.
Lori's progress had slowed for a while, but now she doing better. We had a terrific lesson with her in the Beckners' home, and watched "Search for Truth" which touched her deeply. We also watched the talk "It's true, isn't it?" by Elder Anderson (I think). She made a major breakthrough by attempting to pour out her soul unto the Father, as opposed to dutifully praying to Mary, various other saints, and Jesus. She said she felt really close to the Father when she did that, and it kind of scared her. She asked if she should try praying directly to the father more often, to which I replied, "Yes." As I explained to her how much her Heavenly Father loves her and cares about her individually, I received a witness of how very true that is, and I re-realized it very clearly.
I don't know if Daniel has reached a decision about trek, but I'm REALLY glad I went. It was an incredible spiritual experience, and really helped build my testimony.
We had a marvelous stake conference. Really, really, good. I took a bunch of notes.
Good luck to everybody with everything to which they are up!
Remember to get off that smokestack and eat your The Chekt!
-Elder Moua Ying
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